Present Position
Designed by Cactus and Developed by Cacheflowe, "Present Position" is part of an ongoing online gaming initiative with Colorado Lottery. Guide the presents to their destination and prevent the elf from re-routing them on the way down. Unlock the final level by gaining enough points on the first two levels, and add your initials to the high scoreboard.
Play the game:
The Colorado Lottery has launched Present Position — a free mobile web game that entertains and engages players while promoting its brand and successful suite of holiday Scratch tickets. Cactus created the digital game, in which players help Santa get gifts ready for the big day. Players adjust the direction of a series of conveyor belts to guide the presents from Santa’s Workshop to their correct destination and earn points. If too many slip off, they lose.
- The Denver Egotist

Level 1: Santa's Workshop

Level 2: North Pole

Level 3: Beach Holiday

- Cactus
- Cacheflowe
Key Technologies:
- JavaScript
- PIXI.js
- The Denver Egotist
Colorado Lottery Present Position Game