Learning Shaders


A quick experiment in lines and noise.

I whipped up this chevron pattern for a client project.

Revisiting the tunnel effect from iq, this was one of my entries into a gif contest.

@shane from Shadertoy gave me a metaballs 1-liner.

An attempt at making a real-world pattern: crappy camouflage.

More radial oscillations.

Playing with a classic coordinate deformation technique from iq.

A happy accident, oscillating distances from radial control points.

Borrowing tunnel code from iq, twisting it a bit, w/a repeating grid as the source.

Dots on planes.

Warping a grid with noise.

Playing with stripes, oscillation, smoothstep and fake lighting.

Playing with simple radial shapes in a wavy grid.

Using noise() to change attributes of scrolling lines.

Scrolling direction based on polar mod & a reverse vignette.

Playing with repeating infinite lines in the arrangement of a polygon.

Playing with repetition/grid via fract()

Playing with a borrowed 3d plane effect, displacing along the way.

Now a plasma/isosurface effect.

Playing with texture as noise and color, as well as basic multisampling / smoothing and a fade in/out effect.

A simple radial vortex, with new learnings about smoothstep() and a simple vignette.

This time trying to build a checkerboard, then adding gradients to color the cells.

Trying out more radial mod logic for concentric layout. Also playing with color fade.

Now displacing the uv radius using atan().

Added a saw() function, ported from my Processing code. Used uv offsetting to shift a color component.

Adding rotation to the UV, as well as multiple UV/position vec2s for a regular circle, but wavy lines.

Trying a different shape using some functions from The Book of Shaders. Drawing multiple shapes is weird in GLSL, using distance functions.

Building on basic circular shapes, we can make a flower with additive color.

Shapes are distance-based in GLSL, so I drew the simplest - a ring.

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